Planning a bridal shower requires some work and some fierce attention to detail. It’s no walk in the park. On top of everything else you have to do in your busy life, planning a bridal shower may seem practically unmanageable. Still, if you are the person who is closest to the bride, the responsibility probably falls on your shoulders. So, you have to step up to the plate and plan a shower to remember. Luckily, there are things you can do to make the party planning and throwing process easier and simpler. Here are some tips to help you out:
Tips for planning a bridal shower
Pick the right location
This is probably the most important thing you’ll need to do. The location you pick for the bridal shower will directly influence how much work you’ll need to do and how much money you’ll need to spend. If you throw the party at your house or someone else’s house, you’ll probably need to do quite a bit of preparation work in terms of food and decorations. On the other hand, if you throw the party at a venue, the food and decoration side of things will likely be taken care of for you.
Of course, throwing a party at a house instead of a venue will likely save you a bit of money. Consider what’s best for you, depending on how much time, effort, and cash you’re able to devote to the shower. Additionally, you should consider what kind of shower the bride-to-be would like the most.
Ask for help
Ask the other bridesmaids and family members of the bride to pitch in financially and help you with the planning and preparation of the shower. You shouldn’t have to do it all alone, and you’ll feel considerably less stressed out if you have some help. It’s understandable to feel a little bit awkward about asking for help, but don’t let that stop you. You’ll be surprised by how willing most people are to chip in to help make the bridal shower as special and memorable as possible.
Use technology to your advantage
You should consider doing things like sending out email invitations instead of paper invitations and ordering party supplies and decorations online instead of taking the time to buy them at a specialty, brick and mortar store. Additionally, you can easily book a spot for the bridal shower at a venue or restaurant online. Let technology save you time and lighten your load.
Start planning and preparing early
Waiting until the week before the bridal shower to make all the necessary arrangements and get all of the necessary supplies is not a good idea. It’s generally wise to send out invitations to the bridal shower a month or two in advance and start making arrangements for the shower several weeks in advance. There’s no need to try to do everything at once. Break up the tasks required of you and make a to-do list. If you do, by the time the party rolls around, everything will be ready to fall into place.
Author’s Bio: Melissa is an event planner and guest blogger on the subjects of parenting, married life, and event planning. She also writes about how to find the best Super Mario Bros party supplies and other party supplies.
Tags: bridal shower planning, bridal shower planning tips, tips for planning a bridal shower