Traditional. If you’re having a traditional wedding, then a traditional type of wedding guest book may work best. Most of these have white covers and plenty of room for the guest’s signatures. Even if you decide on a traditional guest book, you could still have a list of instructions beside the book such as “Please write some of your memories of the bride or groom”. Otherwise you may get many short comments about how beautiful the wedding is but nothing really personal as many guests aren’t sure exactly what they should write.

guest book traditionalCoffee table book. Another chic style of wedding guest books is a coffee table book guest book. You can choose a hard back book that can be a favorite of either the bride or groom or both and guests can sign right on the pages of the book. Another option for the coffee table book style is to request your official wedding photographer to create a coffee table book out of your pre-nuptial photos.

guest book coffe table

Cards. Small cards are a great alternative to wedding guest books. When a guest enters, she can select a card, sign it and send best wishes to you in the form of a verse or special sentiment. This is ideal for larger ceremonies where all signatures might not fit on a single platter or photo frame. You can choose any box of cards that suits your occasion. Guests will feel more comfortable sending you personalized messages in a card and envelope than they would when writing in a book or on a picture frame.

guest book cards

Scrapbook guest book. If you want a more personalized style for your guest book that includes your photos, you can choose the scrapbook style guest book. In this guest book, you can showcase your love story by using photos taken over the years. Guests can write their wishes on the pages of the scrapbook and will also enjoy looking at your photos.

guest book scrapbook

Picture frame. Another popular alternative to a wedding guest book is a picture frame with a mat. This picture frame has an extra large mat surface on which guests can place their signature. Couples place their engagement picture inside the frame. Then it is set on the guest sign-in table at the wedding reception where guests get a chance to sign their names in marker. This wedding book alternative allows you to proudly display your wedding guest’s signatures on your wall.

guest book scrapbook

Ceramic Platter Guest Book. Your guests can use a special ceramic marker to sign the ceramic pottery. After the wedding, have the piece fired in a kiln. The pottery makes and excellent display piece in your along wide your best china.

guest book ceramic platter

Video guest book. If you want to go high tech on your wedding day then why not place one of the many great video cameras at the entrance to your wedding reception venue. Then as each guest arrives they can record a short message on it. Also as with the other type of wedding guest book we have discussed above arrange to have someone standing close by to help those who cannot operate the camera themselves.

guest book video

Photo guest book. You simply provide a camera on the table next to the wedding guest book and leave written instructions asking guests to take their own photos and put the pictures in the book. You could even have pre-written prompts on each page under where each photo would go that ask for name, relation to bride and groom and other information. You can make these prompts totally serious or more humorous – the choice is yours.

guest book photo

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