Posts Tagged ‘styles of folding wedding napkins’

Napkins play a very important role in your wedding reception. Roll them, fold them, slide in a cute ring or tie a ribbon around them, either way folding your wedding napkins will bring a nice touch to your reception. While some couples like to impress all their guests with a more elaborated and fancy display, such as the peacock or swan folds, other couples may opt for a simpler, traditional fold, or with nothing but a ring through a rolled-up napkin.

Styles to Fold Wedding Napkins

Goblet fan folding napkins

The goblet fan folding style can be created with any fabric napkins, without ironing. Fold the napkin in half and keep the open end toward you. Fold into quarters and begin to accordion fold the napkin by folding it in half to crease it, then opening it back up. Accordion fold the entire napkin and take hold of one end and place into a wine glass or goblet and allow it to spread out. It will resemble the shape of a fan.

Goblet Fan Napkin Folding

Goblet Fan Napkin Folding

Cone Napkin Folding

Fold a napkin into quarters. With the loose corners on top, bring down the first layer to almost half way down. Repeat with second layer leaving about 1 inch between the two points. Turn the napkin over. Fold in the sides. Turn in over once again. Slide in cutleries into the pocket if you wish or leave it as it is. You may also choose to leave a little ‘something’ on the napkin as deco. I like to leave a wine glass marker so that my guests can have a little bit of fun putting it on their own glasses.

Cone Napkin Folding

Cone Napkin Folding


Silver Wear Napkin Roll

This napkin fold is classic and hides the silverware in the napkin. Fold the napkin diagonally in half. Place the longest horizontal side of the napkin in front of you and place the silverware along the edge. Fold the left and right sides of the napkin together to hide the silverware. Roll the napkin tightly into a cylinder shape and place next to plates at the wedding reception.


Silverwear Napkin Folding

Silverwear Napkin Folding

The French Pleat

The French pleat fold makes an elegant rectangular napkin to place on plates at any wedding reception. First, fold the napkin into quarters and then roll the first layer toward the center of the napkin. The second layer should then be folded toward you and placed under the first layer. The next layer is rolled away from you and tucked under the second layer. The side edges on the left and right need to then be folded together.

French Plat Folding Napkin

French Pleat Folding Napkin

Butterfly Napkin Folding

Fold a large napkin into half, diagonally. With the folded side at the bottom, fold in the right and left sides so the meet in the center. Make sure all the tips/points are aligned together. Fold the bottom point up to within an 1 – 1.5 inch of the top point. Then fold the tip down so that it touches the lower edge of the napkin. Turn it over. Fold in the left and right side of the napkin. Secure one corner into the little triangle pocket of the other. Turn it over again. Open the bottom side of the napkin so that it can stand up-right. Pull down the left and right ‘wings’.

Butterfly Napkin Folding

Butterfly Napkin Folding

Ascot Napkin Folding

Fold a napkin into quarters. Make sure that the points of the loose corners are aligned well, iron if you have to. With the loose corners at the bottom, fold down the top corner. Turn the napkin over. Fold in the left and right corner at an angle, i.e. the top edge of left and right side must be lower than the center. Turn it over. If you are happy with the way it turns out, press down to crease the edges. This is a the perfect fold to show off your monogrammed napkins.

Ascot Napkin Folding

Ascot Napkin Folding

Pocket Napkin Folding

Fold a napkin into quarters. With the loose corners on top, fold down the top layer so that it meets the point at the bottom. Turn it over. With the two tips from earlier positioned at the bottom-right corner, fold in the left side first then the right . You may choose to secure the right folded side into the tiny “triangle pocket” you see on the left. Turn it over and slide in your cutleries.

Poket Napkin Folding

Poket Napkin Folding

Knot Napkin Folding

Fold a large napkin into half diagonally. Start rolling the napkin starting from the folded corners. Tie a knot at the center of the rolled-up napkin.

Knot Napkin Folding

Knot Napkin Folding