Posts Tagged ‘wedding guest lists’

Narrowing down the wedding guest lists is never an enviable task, but since a lot of your major wedding planning decisions are dependent on the number of guests you’re inviting, it’s a good idea to get a grip on your list as early as possible.

Wedding Party List

Before you make your wedding party list, there are some things you need to consider. First you have to ask yourself if you are looking for an unique wedding party that includes just family and some close friends or are you looking to put on the wedding of the year, with everyone invited. You also have to consider your wedding budget, as you know more guests means more money spent on menus. If your parents want to invite all their friends and extended family you have to listen. You can’t omit any of your close relatives; they all have to be present at your big event. Your wedding party list size is also going to be determined by your ceremony and reception site location. If your location only accommodates 100 people, you simply cannot invite more than that.

When you actually start making the wedding party list, think about all the people with whom you would like to share this special occasion. To make sure that you don’t forget anyone you should consult your e-mail and physical address books. Knowing what kind of wedding you want and how much you want to spend, it will help you to decide the number of your wedding guests. It is essential that you make the wedding guest lists with your future husband. You should sit down with a pen and paper and make  your three wedding guests lists. The first wedding party list is your A-list, which should include essential guests, anyone who should bear witness to your marriage and, of course, party-making personalities to make the reception memorable. Your second list should be a “do not invite” list to avoid awkward situations between you guests and the bride or groom. Parents should have a word to say about some guests, especially if they helping to foot the bill.

After finishing the A-list there are two situations that might occur: there might still be room, or you might have to cut some people off the wedding party list. In first case scenario you make your third wedding guest list, a B-list, which might include your boss or coworkers, but think about your comfort first. In the second case scenario, the situation is a little more complicated because you have to be objective about the people you decide you don’t invite at your wedding. One of the simplest ways of choosing your guests is by doing “the one year test”. You ask yourself if you have seen or have talked to the person during the past year. If the answer is no, odds are that you can keep them off your must-have list.

I was watching a TV show about weddings with my boyfriend when I thought it would be a good idea for us to try to make our  A, B and Do Not Invite guest lists. So we took a pen and paper and we started writing down all our relatives and close friends we want to be with us on our wedding day. We were surprised to see that at the end we had 150 guests. We know that not all of them will come, but still, the number is quite high.