A bridal shower is a wonderful way to gift the bride whatever she needs for her new life and it also serves a get together for family and friends. Usually, wedding showers are hosted by the maid of honor or in contribution with the bridesmaids, but it could also be hosted by the bride’s sister, mother, aunty or a close friend.

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Planning a bridal shower is almost as complicated as planning a wedding. It involves budgeting, making and sending invitations, fixing the food and venue, setting up a theme, bridal shower games, decoration, buying gifts, favors, etc.

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Budget. The bride’s maid is traditionally responsible the expenses. The bride’s family often helps by providing the location and/or invitations.

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When to hold it? The event is usually held within two months of the wedding, up to two weeks before the big day. Any time of day is acceptable, but most often showers are afternoon events.

bridal shower time

Where to hold it? The party can be held at a home or in a restaurant or other locale. These days many shower planners choose activities instead of the traditional finger food/gift opening shower. For example, many bridal parties take the bride out for a day at the spa instead of a shower.

bridal shower location

Guests. When planning the bridal shower you have to decide if it is going to be a traditional “girls only” shower, or a couples party. Either way, remember that you shouldn’t invite people that are not invited to the wedding. Organize your guest list by asking the bride and groom who they would like to have at the shower.

bridal shower guests

Invitations. Invitations can range from the casual (a phone call) to the most formal (printed invitations). You decide what will work for your shower. Be sure to include all necessary information on the invitation.

bridal shower invitations

Menus. Depending on the time of the day when the shower is held, you can offer your guests a brunch that includes fruit punches, sandwiches, finger snacks, cracker with cheese dip, tea, coffee or whatever else is suitable.

bridal shower menu

Favors. Bridal shower favors could be simple gifts such as chocolates, candies, candles, picture frames or any other simple gifts you could think of. Some suggestions are a candle; a small picture frame; drawer sachets; chocolates or candy; a book; gourmet coffee or tea; homemade baked goods; dried flowers; a small vase; shower or bath gel, fancy soaps, lotion, incense or stationery.

bridal shower favor

Theme. Consider the interests of the bride when you select your theme. Create a unique bridal shower that she’ll never forget! Whatever type of shower you are craving, remember that there’s no limit to the creativity! You can choose anything from recreating Paris to a Hawaiian party, as long as the guests enjoy it.

bridal shower themes

Decoration. When you’ve selected a theme for your shower, decorations will help to support your selection.

bridal shower decorations

Gifts. When planning a bridal shower you should come up with  bridal gift strategies that will ensure the happy couple won’t be stuck with two toasters or burdened with things they don’t need.

bridal shower gifts

Entertainment. Usually, the entertainment at bridal showers consists of games. You can have music at a bridal shower, but it should serve as background music rather than music for your guests to dance to. Games help get everyone talking and getting to know each other. Be sure to include prizes for those who win at the games. If possible, the prizes should match the theme as well. Otherwise, prizes such as candy, candles, and journals make good substitutes.

bridal shower games

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