Posts Tagged ‘writing wedding vows’

From all the parts of a wedding, there are only two essential parts: the vows and promises you make to one another and the proclamation by the person officiating the wedding that you are now married. Your classic or modern wedding vows set the tone for your marriage. Writing the right vows will make your wedding romantic, meaningful, and personalized. The heart and soul of your wedding are your vows to each other.

Whether you have chosen a church or civil wedding ceremony, whether you are having a wedding with all your friends and family or simply renewing your vows, you’ll find there are certain statutory things that must be said in order for a marriage to be legal, but there is increasingly more opportunity for brides and grooms to have modern and personalized their wedding vows by writing sections themselves.

Wedding vows can be traditional, old-fashioned, classic, original, unique, religious, funny, modern, poetic, romantic, or with the flavor of the country of your ethnic background. No matter what kind, though, when writing your wedding vows make sure they flow from your heart. There are two ways you can go with your wedding vows:  using the classic wedding vows or writing your personalized modern vows.

When writing your personalized wedding vows, think about borrowing lines from movies, love prose, or narrative, in order to impart your emotions to the audience. However, if you’re part of a particular faith or culture, you may have classic rules set forth by the church that you must abide by. When writing your personalized wedding vows you make your wedding ceremony more meaningful, you get the chance to include children, friends or family in the ceremony, or you can simply add an element of humor to make the occasion more memorable. In other words, by writing your personalized wedding voes you make the ceremony more about the two of you.

My boyfriend is not much of a writer, so that means that we will probably go with the classic wedding vows. However, I have some favorite lines I have heard in movies that would be perfect for such a ceremony, so I am writing them down, just in case. Who knows, maybe we will have personalized wedding vows after all.